Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Week3 - "Robotics + Art"

Robotics has not only influenced but also created art. Most of the works we seen in art are related to industrialization and mass production, which are the essential functions of robotics. As technology continue to develop, Robotics currently not only influence the arts but also our daily lives. 

The examples professor Vesna addressed during lecture further demonstrates such connection between art and Robotics. The first example is the printing press that was further developed by Gutenberg. The printing press has created a great platform for Renaissance and thus the great art pieces can be created, representing the culture of the new era. The machine leads to mass production and started the first assembling line. Such improvement makes the production and spread of books more efficient. Information and new thoughts triggers the creation of new arts in the Renaissance.

(Professor Vesna, Victoria <>)

The other example is the Robots in Japan. As professor Machiko Kusahara illustrated in the video. Robots are representatives of the connection between technology and art. The Japanese Engineers have been possessing a strong interest in creating humanoid robot that have a friendly face. The robots has been used to help and rescue people from the earthquakes and given support to people in times of turmoil. From this point of view, creating robot is not only a job of engineering but also a work for artists. They work together in creating robots that are great in both appearance and functions. 

(Professor Machiko kusahara <>)

Same points has been demonstrated by David Hanson, who wants to enable robots to have emotions and be able to interact with people. The work is a combination of technology and the creation of art. 

(David Hanson, "Robots that 'show emotion' <>)

As we can see from the examples, robots are perfect examples of the combination of art, technology industrialization and mass production. The art and robots has been connect with each other and creating new art and cultures ever since hundreds of years ago and the significance of such connection will continue influence our lives. 

1. Vesna, Victoria.  “CoLE.” CoLE. N.p.. Web. 18 Oct 2012. <

2. David Hanson, "Robots that 'show emotion' <>

3. Machiko kusahara <>)

4. Davis, Douglas. “The Work of Art in the Age of Digital Reproduction.” The MIT Press, 1995. Web. 19 Oct. 2012 <>

5. Robotic Art <>


  1. I like your insights into the connection between art and robotics. I believe that as more technology is created, there will too be more art, and more ideas for art. And possibly vice versa, they both can get ideas from each other. Using an example you used, when the printing press was introduced, a lot of art was based off that new technology.

    Being an engineer I definitely can relate to the Japanese Engineers that have a strong interest in creating robots to aid in daily life. It is that area that I hope to pursue my career in. I believe that Engineers are not only scientists, but artists too because to be able to think up all these new things, the mind must be creative or artistic. I also really like the robot pictures you posted, they are very cool. However, I would be scared to be exposed to a robot like the one demonstrated by David Hanson. Robots having emotions sounds creepy. Overall, I love your insight into robotics and art and your examples were great.

  2. Just as Katz stated, I also think that with the sophisticated technologies, we will gain more art in our life. I am a physiology major. Dealing with human organs and tiny nerve, I feel that the way that the nano-robots are developing will shine a bright light on this field in the future. With these robotic machines, people will definitely enjoy a better living conditions and be more happy and optimistic. That is the essence of art too.
